Halyard fluid shield level 3 n95 masks are well known due to their durable and environment friendly material. These masks are prepared with pleat style ear loops and the material is fluid resilient. You will notice a breathable film in these masks. However, if you do not know how to wear a halyard fluid shield level 3 mask, don’t worry about. Because we have brought useful information that will help you to know better about these n95 surgical masks.



In 2009, when influenza outreached. The second wave was also predicted in mid of 2010. The use of surgical masks and respirators was recommended by the government as precautionary measures.

 Respirators are a bit different from the surgical masks, additionally, the exposure offered by surgical masks and respirators is different. The national institute of occupational safety and health (NIOSH) and the center of diseases control indicated that halyard fluid shield level 3 n95 masks are effective measures to prevent influenza.


Evolution of Surgical Masks 

A Few decades ago, surgical masks were manufactured with cotton gauze. They were used by surgical staff while performing any medical procedure in the early 90s to remain safe from any contamination of open wounds. Overtime, the design and functions have expanded. These days’ surgical masks are in use for broader purposes rather than just for performing medical procedures.  The first modern surgical masks and respirators were also introduced in the mid 90s with the aim to prevent the general public from chemicals, dust and other hazard material in the air. In 1919, the United States instructed the individuals to wear masks who were working in mines and factories who produce chemicals as a result of the production process. Year 2000 brought further development in the masks and respirators and these were used to get rid of cough and infections. 

Whether the aim is to protect the individual from outsource hazard material or his own aerosols, two important aspects must be considered. The filter must be capable of capturing the whole range of harmful particles and maintain the proper air flow for the individual to prevent him from the difficulty of breathing.


Difference between surgical masks, Clothes and N95 Masks 

Surgical Masks 

An easy fitting surgical mask offers great protection to our nose and mouth from different kinds of harmful dust particles, sprays and splashes that contain germs. Additionally, these surgical masks also protect other human beings by reducing the un-wanted exposure to the Saliva and the respiratory secretions of the mask user.

N-95 Masks 

Level 3 N 95 mask is well known and widely used as compare to traditional surgical masks. N-95 is a modern day produced masks and it is fully capable of filtering small and large dust particles and prevent them from having contact with nose or mouth. The name of N-95 masks speaks itself; it offers 95% protection due to having 3 layers and protects from dust particles, sprays, splashes and other all harmful material. N-95 masks contains valves, which make it easy to breath even in extreme dusty air. However, many researches have claimed that when the mask user exhales all the unfiltered air is released that is not a good sign for other humans.


Cloth Masks 

Unlike surgical masks, the cloth masks have different purpose to serve. These cloth masks are used to prevent the droplet of the user while he is talking or having any cough. The expert researchers have claimed that cloth masks are best way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus if they are mostly used by the individuals while social interactions. Clothes facemasks offer easy face covering and you can use them after several washes.


Filter performance of Halyard Fluid Shield with Visor – Level 3 Mask

The filters used in Halyard Fluid Shield with Visor – Level 3 Mask are constructed from superior quality material. Additionally, these masks are quite thick as thickness plays a key role in collecting the dirt particles. Level 3 means 3 layers of protection. These layers are named as interception and diffusion, inertial impaction, and interception.  Diffusion is responsible for the collection of small particles and other 2 layers collect large particles.


How halyard fluid shield level 3 n95 filter collects particle 

Inertial impaction The mechanism collects the large particles and prevents the flying particles containing huge amounts of inertia because of size or mass from following the airstream.

Interception: When the hazard particles reach close to the fiber, they might be intercepted. Here the interception mechanism is also responsible for collection of large particles.

Diffusion: Small particles are always loaded by the air molecules which makes them deviate from airstream and encounter with fiber. The mechanism collects small particles.

Electrostatic attraction: The versatile mechanism does not favor any particular particle size.

In all conditions, if any particle comes across fiber it is eliminated by the airstream and held by molecular attractive forces. It is hard for the particles to be eliminated especially when they are collected. Therefore, the masks and respirator manufacturers must try to produce the masks that fulfill the standards of FDA.


Comparison between the filters of respirators and halyard fluid shield level 3 n95

The respirator filters which collect almost 90% particles are given the rating of 95%. Those who collect 97% particles are declared 100% protective filters. The rating is mandatory as some manufacturers can remove electrostatic charges from the filter’s media and it reduces the filter performance. Therefore, respirators are rated ‘N’ if they are not oil resilient and ‘R’ if they are resilient. However, the N95 masks are more resilient and offer 100% safety and are approved by the FDA.  The 3 layers of protection does not let any particle come in and allows an easy airflow. In several studies where the performance of respirator filter and N95 filter has been compared and N95 filter performance was declared valuable when it comes to the collection of dust particles and offer maximum safety.

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